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App Smashing to YouTube

Description: One of the most powerful ways to use mobile devices in the classroom is to help students share their voices online on a classroom YouTube channel. In app smashing to YouTube, we will explore and demonstrate how to go from a planning storyboard, to a video creation iPad app, to the teacher iPad with AirDrop or InstaShare, to the classroom YouTube channel with YouTube Capture, and finally to a YouTube video playlist.

Basic Concepts

  1. Newton’s Laws of Classroom Blogging (also apply to sharing video – 37 second summary)
  2. Every classroom needs a YouTube channel for sharing student video-based work


  1. Shelly Fryer’s Classroom YouTube Channel (3rd & 4th grade)
  2. Wesley Fryer’s STEM Classroom YouTube Channel (4th & 5th graders)
  3. YouTube Playlist of Favorite Quick Edit Video Examples


  1. Google Drive (Planning Document / Storyboard)
  2. iMovie for iPad
  3. Photos for iPad (built-in Photo Roll app)
  4. InstaShare
  5. YouTube Capture
  6. Web Browser (laptop or desktop computer is best)

iCreate Challenge

  1. Complete a project storyboard
  2. Create an iMovie Project
  3. Export to Photo Roll
  4. Transfer to Teacher iPad with InstaShare
  5. Teacher Uploads with YouTube Capture
  6. In YouTube Creator Studio, add videos to a new playlist

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